NorthCoast Rehab Services

NorthCoast Rehab Services provides comprehensive occupational therapy services which include:

  • Occupational Therapy Driving Assessments, including NDIS 
  • Vehicle Modification for Drivers & Passengers, including NDIS
  • Prescribing adaptive Equipment & Assistive Technologies, including NDIS Applications
  • Home Assessments and modifications, including NDIS
  • NDIS Functional Capacity Assessments

Chris Birtles, Occupational Therapist established NorthCoast Rehab Services in 2003 on the Sunshine Coast. NorthCoast Rehab Services now operates as an NDIS registered provider with a team of experienced Occupational Therapists all qualified for driving & NDIS related assessments. 

NorthCoast Rehab Services provides their unique skills to residents on the Sunshine Coast and surrounding areas including the South Burnett area to Bundaberg.

Registered with NDIS

NDIS Assistive Technology

OT Driving Assessments

Vehicle Modifications

NDIS Home Modifications

NDIS Functional Assessments

NDIS Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology

NorthCoast Rehab Services work closely with equipment suppliers to help clients access equipment to be more independent in their daily lives. Some equipment which participants apply for include:

  • Wheelchairs
  • Powerchairs
  • Omeo Mobility Device
  • Mobility Scooters
  • Hilo Beds/Lift Chairs
  • Recreational AT (e.g. Trikes)
  • Telehealth devices
  • Low Cost Assistive technology

Occupational Therapy Driving Assessments

Who needs an Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment?

If you have a medical condition which may affect your ability to drive safely, your doctor may ask that you have a driver assessment so that he
or she can determine your medical fitness to drive.

What is involved in an Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment?

The driving assessment includes both off and on road components. The off-road component is conducted by a specialised driver-trained
occupational therapist (DTOT), and the on-road component by the DTOT and driving instructor in a dual-controlled driving school vehicle for safety
and insurance validity.

Possible Outcomes of an Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment:

  • Maintain your current license status and resume or continue driving
  • Add or remove conditions to/from your license
  • You may need to participate in a series of specialised driving lessons to improve your driving behaviours where possible
  • Suspension of your license to enable further recovery if medically possible
  • Cancellation of your driver’s license as a result of your medical condition, if your medical condition negatively impacts your safety on road and cannot be remediated.
  • Installation of vehicle modifications

Our qualified Occupational Therapist’s conduct Occupational Therapy Driving Assessments here on the Sunshine Coast and surrounds, including North Brisbane and as far as Bundaberg.

Some medical conditions that can adversely affect your ability to drive safely include: 

  • Epilepsy and stroke
  • Heart disease and lung disease
  • Arthritis and other joint problems
  • Eye problems (for example, cataracts)
  • Hearing disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders
  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
  • Depression and other mental health problems

For more information regarding medical driving assessments please go to Transport and Main Roads website.

Please see the link below to show your GP to be referred to our services.

Download NCRS Driving Assessment Referral Form for Medical Practitioners

Vehicle Modifications

If you have a disability, it may affect your ability to travel in a car. There is a range of modifications that can be made to a car to enable a person with a disability to safely drive or travel as a passenger.

Modification Types
Vehicle modifications range from minor (e.g. grab bar, swivel seat, postural support or transfer board) to major (e.g. mobility aid hoists, ramps or special steering/braking/accelerator control systems).

Transport of Mobility aids
There are several options to transport collapsible wheelchairs, such as rear-mounted hooks or roof hoists.

Options for transporting a motorized mobility aid (e.g. wheelchair or scooter) include ramps, trailers or electrically operated lifters, this can also include being transported in a modified vehicle whilst seated in a suitable wheelchair.

The vehicle to be modified will need to be large enough to accommodate the wheelchair or scooter (e.g. a mini van, high-roof station wagon or utility).

It is important to safely secure a mobility aid whenever it is being transported.

Vehicle Modification Inquiry Form

NDIS Minor Home Modifications 

An Occupational Therapist can assess your level of function in your home environment.  We work with specialist disability builders to ensure the right modifications are in place for you. Appropriate recommendations and individualized adaptations can be made. Alternative ways of doing these tasks can be discussed and trialed which can improve your ability to function safety around the home.

*Rural areas subject to available builders.

Common modifications include:

  • Grab rails
  • Ramps
  • Stair lifts
  • Minor bathroom modifications (non-structural)
  • Home automation
  • Widening Doorways
  • Accessibility kitchens

NDIS Functional Capacity Assessments

NorthCoast Rehab Services provides Functional Capacity Assessments for participants to ensure they have the appropriate NDIS funding and support to achieve their goals. Our OT’s work primarily with clients with physical disabilities and are not hands-on therapists. 

NorthCoast Rehab’s goal is to assist clients to become as independent as possible. Tele-health services available.

Download NCRS New Client Referral Form

How can we help?

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